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Medicare 101 Workshop – April 17

April 17 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Medicare 101 Workshop – April 17

April 17 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Questions about Medicare? Senior Financial Group invites you to attend a free educational workshop: Navigating Medicare. These monthly Medicare workshops are designed to provide simple answers to your complex questions. Our team of Medicare experts will help you understand all of your Medicare options and prepare you to make educated decisions regarding your coverage. Workshop topics include:
  • Medicare Enrollment
  • Parts of Medicare (A-D)
  • Original Medicare, Medicare Supplements and Medicare Advantage plans
  • Medicare costs
  • Working past 65
Whether you are turning 65 and still working or planning to retire soon, you will have a chance to ask your specific questions to a trusted Medicare expert during this free workshop. If you cannot attend, please call our office to schedule a private consultation.
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