SFG Medicare Sponsors the Carter Senior Center Newsletter

carter senior center newsletter

How Does Working Affect My Social Security and My Medical Insurance?

Many people choose to continue to work after they reach full retirement age. Whether its for pleasure or support, full or part time, you need to be aware of how it may impact your income and insurance. What do you need to know about how working affects your social security? How does working affect your Medicare and/or Medicare Health Plan? If you work and are full retirement age or older, you may keep all of your Social Security benefits, no matter how much you earn. If you are younger than full retirement age, there is a limit to how much you can earn and still receive full Social Security benefits. Not all counts. Call or visit Social Security on the web to learn all of the details.

If you work for an employer with 20 employees or more and are eligible for group health in- surance then your coverage available at work is pays first for medical and outpatient services be- fore Medicare Part B. If you have a private Medicare Health plan, like an Advantage or Part D plan, Medicare requires that your plan collect information about any other medical or drug insur- ance coverage so your plans can coordinate benefits. If you receive a letter from your health plan, contact  your  plan’s  customer  service  if  the  information  in  the  letter  is  INCORRECT.    For a more personalized look at how we can help you, contact a Personal Advocate at Senior Financial Group, Inc. There is no charge or obligation. 865-777-0153

Senior Financial Group is proud to sponsor the Carter Senior Center Newsletter