Download the Alzheimers Memory Links Golf Brochure
Monday, June 23, 2014 Gettysvue Polo, Golf, and Country Club

- Four-person Scramble
- Big Shot Drive – “shoot” your ball!
- $25,000 Hole-In-One Contest on select hole
- Driving range access for practice
- Fun Celebrity Guests & VIP Players!
- Beverages provided at Club and on Party Cart
- Every golfer will receive gift + 2 vouchers for weekly general admission to the News Sentinel Open Presented by Pilot
- Breakfast or Lunch provided
- Post-Play Luau Celebration with awards !
- Entry Fee: $150 per player or $600 per team.
Buy Your Chance to Win Today!
Scenic Helicopter Tours is scheduled to
- Drop up to 3,000 golf balls between 4:30 & 5:30 pm on June 23rd at Gettysvue!
- $2,500 prize for the ball that lands in the designated hole or closest to it!
- Buy TWO chances for $10— only 3,000 are available (must be 18 or older)
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Local: 865-777-0153
Toll Free: 1-800-677-0153