How Are You Aging?

How Are You Aging?

In the past, we have shared several examples of seniors who are “aging gracefully”. We at Senior Financial Group always encourage our friends in the senior community to stay active and inform us about the unique ways they chose to do so.

We loved this video of 92 year-old Phyllis Sues dancing the Argentine tango with her dance partner and yoga instructor, Anthony Benenati. The five-minute video displays nothing but the flexibility, grace and fluidity Sues still very much has despite her age. Though slow and delicate at times, there are moments in the dance that we could not believe!

Senior Financial Group applauds Sues and all those like her that do their best to stay active and youthful-minded. The current average age expectancy for males is 68.5 and 73.5 years old for females, however so many people are living much longer these days. Exercise, stress-management, thinking young, eating well, staying social and not smoking are several ways to add critical years to your life.32

Here a few interesting facts and tips about aging:

  • Stressful events can accelerate immune cell aging in adults. This is one reason finding ways to de-stress is crucial to a healthy lifestyle.
  • Exercise lowers chances of dementia and Alzheimer’s by 50% percent.
  • Overall mortality for male and female smokers in the U.S. is 3x higher than non-smokers.
  • Research shows sticking to a Mediterranean diet could help you live longer.
  • One recent study published this year found that loneliness could lead to an early death at the same rate obesity does.
  • Making short and long-term goals for yourself that give you the motivation to actively strive to achieve can give you a better, more positive overall attitude.

SFG wants to you to tell us what ways you are choosing to stay active! Share your thoughts on what you’re doing that could be giving you a fresher outlook on life by commenting on our Facebook page or below.

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