Seniors and the Flu!

In case you haven’t heard, Knoxville has been ranked the 4th city for most influenza activity this year. This ranking is compiled by using weekly prescription data for medications used to treat the virus, such as Tamiflu and Relenza, and the number of flu-related hospitalizations is continuing to rise—with more than half of these hospitalizations being people over 65!


Since the immune system weakens with age, people 65 years and older are more susceptible to the flu. This makes the flu even greater of a concern for seniors, because it also has the greater potential to be deadly. An alarming 90 percent of flu-related deaths are seniors.


Senior Financial Group wants you to know that Medicare will cover your flu vaccine once every flu season! There are two options when getting the flue vaccine:

  • The regular dose flu shot.
  • A higher-dose flu shot specifically for people 65 and older. The higher dose vaccine should result in a stronger immune response.

We encourage you to talk to your health care provider about which option is best for you if you have not already received your vaccine. If you have any additional questions about Medicare covering your vaccination, call Senior Financial Group at 865-777-0153, or to read more visit the links below.  Stay healthy!

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